



This is called FOG-Tree-man for obvious reasons. Like a lot of my photographic projects this one started as an individual shot and no idea of a future project. Then I realized not necessarily how beautiful fog is but how beautiful everyday people, places, and things became while blanketed in fog. I have more fog images to come, but I am working slow so I don't overwhelm myself. I like the system I stumbled on here. I load a favorite image, write about it (or not), then I begin to organize images getting them ready to load to this and other blogs and websites to come. Projects come to me in many ways: sometimes I start with a group of images shot over years and I realize "hey I have a collection here", or I shoot and realize at processing that I can turn this or that into a project, and last I will get an idea in my head play with it for a while (week-years) and when every thing is right...BAM...PROject. If you have seen CONCRETE INTENTIONS you know what I mean, if not be patient. WOW this is the most writing and self promoting since graduating college.


I can get used to this blogging thing

Hey blog,
I have been thinking about writing a lot. This is good. I am think of comming here a lot to add new content. I think over the weekend I will load an album or a slide show and do some more writing. I think I can get used to this blogging thing.


Here goes...

Wow it is finally here. A blog, all mine. This is going to do a lot for me. All of my hopes and dreams will now be out in the open more then ever. Hopes of shooting and writing more. I hope to "put it all out there".
Talk to you soon.
Mike DiSantis